Governmental Coordination

The key objectives of the GoL for the post-strategy-endorsement phase were to formulate an action plan to transform the strategy’s objectives into concrete actions based on a whole-of-society approach; to form the National PVE Network (PVEN); to develop systems of early warning and monitoring and evaluation; and to commission research on violent extremism.

Preparing for the National Action Planning process, several activities have been implemented with key stakeholders. Mainly 8 preparatory meetings have been conducted with 59 organizations (Religious leaders, parliamentary committees, banks, ministries, the Strong Cities Network, international organizations, & international experts) represented by 192 participants. These meetings focused on the purpose and scope of the NAP.

Throughout the year 2019, nine consultative workshops were organized, each tackling one of the nine pillars of the PVE strategy. The workshops engaged 850 participants representing over 300 organizations from civil society, government entities, academia, private sector and international organizations. The workshops represented an opportunity for the application of a multi-agency approach in Lebanon.

While the strategy was developed through an extensive process of dialogue and engagement with the Whole of Government, (involving all twenty-nine government ministries in 2017-2018), the action plan was developed through a similar engagement and consultation exercise, only with the Whole of Society.
