Justice, Human Rights and the Rule of Law


1. Enforcing the constitution and the law equitably without discrimination.
2. Respecting human rights as stipulated in international conventions and the Lebanese constitution and following up on their implementation.
3. Adopting balanced, fair and sustainable public policies.
4. Empowering disadvantaged and marginalized groups.
5. Improving the environment of prisons and rehabilitating prisoners to facilitate their integration into society.


P3. A1 Rehabilitation And Reintegration of Children Associated with Armed Groups

Developing policies and programs, informed by good practices in the rehabilitation and reintegration of children associated with armed groups. A consultation session with civil society organizations who work on the reintegration and rehabilitation efforts is conducted. Lack of ratification of the optional protocol on children and armed conflict (OPAC) – consequent weak protection of children being recruited by armed groups/ being prosecuted by state. Interventions to deal with preventing their recruitment and in their rehabilitation and reintegration need to be targeted at children specifically to have a higher chance of success.
Assumptions Impunity of perpetrators of the recruitment and the use of children within armed groups (failure to prosecute them for charges of child recruitment specifically - which is criminalized by law in Lebanon - does not dissuade them from continuing to recruit children.

P3. A2 PVE Capacity Building for Prisons Personnel

Develop a team of specialized, permanent, trained staff, and probation workers in prisons with a focus on how to deal with violent extremism. Hire trained staff specialized in managing prisons and prisoners. This should include both general VE training for existing prison workers and then specialized training for the much smaller number who will be engaging directly with the specific prison cohort.
Assumptions Since the biggest gap in the Lebanese penitentiary system is the lack of educational, psychological care and social rehabilitation which prepares them for life after prisons, training specialized and permanent staff shall support in this rehabilitation process and decrease prison’s vulnerability to radicalization and increase the likelihood they will have foresworn or disengaged from violence prior to their release. If prisons’ rehabilitation specialists are recruited and given proper training and incentives, then prisons system will generate fewer grievances for prisons.

P3. A3 Study on the Construction of New Prison Buildings

Study on the construction of new prisons buildings which are needed to be built to house prisoners convicted of terrorism offenses.
Assumptions If prisoners are properly separated within the prisons based on the type of crime committed, this will help prevent terrorist offenders recruiting from other prisoners.

P3.A4 New Beginnings Program: Rehabilitating Violent Extremists

Design and implement a rehabilitation program specialized in dealing with violent extremists that will include psycho-social support, educational support, vocational support and health support. Gender sensitive lens shall be integrated to the program design and implementation to better support progress towards gender equality and women empowerment.

P3.A5 PVE Capacity Building for Justice and Rule of Law Professionals

Organize training sessions for the judiciary, security and police professionals on the basics of best practices of human rights, compliant investigations, and respect for human rights. Train judges, lawyers and social workers on the prevention of violent extremism and VE. Establish a coordination mechanism between different ministries related to security and justice, including the prisons Directorate and the Ministry of Justice and with the International Security Forces. If there is coordination, this will support broader institutional capacity building efforts to enable relevant departments to better uphold human rights and consequently work to prevent VE.
Assumptions There has been insufficient training and development for legal and security professionals and departments. Given that violations of human rights can be key contributing factors to VE, it is important that security and justice professionals understand the importance of upholding human rights and how to comply with respect for human rights in their activities. Enhancing their understanding of VE and PVE will also help to prevent VE.

P3.A6 At-Risk Child Protection

Conduct research and consultations on national and international experiences regarding PVE interventions designed to target ‘at risk’ children. Government support to community- inclusive child protection programs for children at risk, including those involved in armed groups. Children are therefore at risk of VE and recruitment into armed groups and may have specific risk factors and need special protection.
Assumptions Impunity of perpetrators of the recruitment/ use of children within armed groups (failure to prosecute them for charges of child recruitment specifically – which is criminalized by law in Lebanon – does not dissuade them from continuing to recruit children. Lack of ratification of the optional protocol to the CRC on children and armed conflict (OPAC) – consequent weak protection of children being recruited by armed groups/ being prosecuted by state.

P3.A7 Rehabilitation of Minor/Juvenile Prisoners

Designing daily programs to fill the time of the minor prisoners to divert their thinking from oppression and extremism, especially sports programs (sports club, encourage them to read, participate in service work inside the prison).
