Gender Equality and Empowering Women


1. Raise women's awareness on their constitutional and legal rights and on the risks of violent extremism at the individual and family levels.
2. Amend legislation relating to women so as to achieve justice and eliminate all forms of discrimination against them.
3. Encourage women's participation in social, cultural and development activities.
4. Encourage women's participation in decision-making and policy-making processes.


P5. A1 Media Capacity Building on Gender Sensitivity And Awareness

Train journalists and media professionals on ensuring gender sensitivity and awareness while reporting violent extremism incidents which involve a gender element. Develop a media reporting guideline for gender sensitivity which also recognize the social media application in VE reporting.
Train journalists and media professionals on ensuring gender sensitivity and awareness while reporting violent extremism incidents which involve a gender element. Develop a media reporting guideline for gender sensitivity which also recognize the social media application in VE reporting.

P5. A2 Women-related Obligations Review and Vulnerability Assessment

In partnership with the National Commission for Lebanese Women, a full review of the international obligations which Lebanon is committed to concerning the global agenda for women for peace shall be conducted with clear recommendations on compliance and implementation.
The review shall also include a vulnerability assessment for Lebanese women to violent extremism as mentioned in the general objectives part of this national action plan.
This review shall be integrated and coordinated with the Lebanese National Action Plan on the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security, by the National Commission for Lebanese Women.

P5.A3 Rehabilitation of Women Prisoners

Implement educational, psychosocial, for women inside prisons. Build the capacity of prison workers on issues relevant to gender and violent extremism with an emphasis on peace building and dialogue.
The Rehabilitation and Reintegration programs should be responsive to the ways in which women and girls experience violent extremism, which can be significantly different from the experiences of men and boys. Programming for women and girls should include elements tailored for them, which might involve those addressing sexual and gender-based violence, parenting, socioeconomic empowerment, and networking, for example.
The core goal is to increase women resilience to return or engagement in violent extremism by facilitating their integration in society in post-prison time.

P5.A4 Increasing Resilience of At-Risk Women

Provide psychosocial support, and empowerment programs to women particularly those at risk of violent extremism through the establishment of support office from relevant ministries and bodies to all members of society. This office shall be located within the PVE Unit to implement the following actions: Create and activate a hotline for violent extremism to facilitate women’s access to help and support on facing violent extremism in their families and wider community.
Raise awareness and build capacity against violent extremism ideologies in safe settings where women can share their experiences and learn about the broader political and social ramifications and risks of such ideologies.
Organize training sessions to inform women about their civil rights, and to introduce them to the competent authorities in issues related to violence and discrimination. Conduct awareness And sensitization workshops on gender equality and PVE. Promote cultural activities on peace building and all other activities to build women resilience against violence and extremism.
Advocate for women’s rights and address the ‘push factors’ of misogyny, injustice and deficit in dignity that women experience in their own societies. Include women and girls and gender mainstreaming in the design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of all policies, laws, procedures, programs and practices related to PVE.

P5.A5 Women as Actors in Building Resilience

Engage women and girls at all the local level activities, mentioned in pillar 4, as sources of influence within families and communities to build resilience and localized, credible, and effective responses to violent extremism.

P5.A6 Gender Mainstreaming in PVE

Include women and girls and gender mainstreaming in the design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of all policies, laws, procedures, programs and practices related to PVE.
Female professionals and practitioners, including law enforcement, psychosocial service providers, religious and other counselors, and women leaders of CSOs should be involved in the design and delivery of interventions to women (and girls), as well as PVE efforts more broadly. Build the capacity of Governmental and non-governmental institutions that interact with women/girls on Gender sensitivity.
Include gender-sensitive monitoring and evaluation in PVE policy and programs to enhance effectiveness. The effectiveness of all PVE efforts will be enhanced by integrating a gender perspective and including women and girls in monitoring and evaluation mechanisms.
Assumptions Gender-disaggregated data can provide a nuanced picture of the outputs and differential impact of CVE activities, to evaluate positive gains in areas such as skills, awareness, capacity, social cohesion, and resilience, and also to ensure that PVE does not contribute to an increase in human rights violations, such as gender-based violence by all parties.
