The Promotion of Good Governance


1. Develop the institutional capacities of the state agencies and their coordination mechanisms
2. Build the capacities of technical and administrative staff of state and social institutions.
3. Affirm the values and practices of transparency, accountability and the fight against corruption.
4. Rely on research institutions and the findings of scientific research, especially in the field of early warning signals.


P2. A1 Municipal PVE Capacities Assessment

Conduct a needs assessment research to analyze municipalities capacity and needs to prevent violent extremism. The aim of process is to put a plan to empower, support and connect municipalities in their quest to preventing violent extremism.

P2. A2 Interministerial Capacity Building

The existing interministerial working group is a joint coordination committee which includes designated departments from all ministries. The action plan aims to provide technical and financial support for the unit to facilitate its coordination effort, build the capacity of its members and facilitate its work.

P2. A3 Establishing a Vulnerability Database

Improve the accuracy and targeting of vulnerable people by compiling and building up an accurate, verified, and clean database of poor and vulnerable households. The aggregate analysis of this database shall guide decision- makers to design and implement public policies which aim at tackling the elements of vulnerability and improving their livelihood.
Assumptions Peaceful resolution of conflicts decreases individuals and groups resort to violence and enhance the culture of peace within society.

P2. A4 Discrimination-Free Legislation System

Conduct a research project with the objective of creating an inventory of existing laws which include or cause directly or indirectly any form of discrimination against specific groups. The aim of the action is to present its product to the Lebanese Parliament through its different parliamentary committees with the hope of changing these legislations to end up with a Lebanese legislative system which is free of any type of discrimination.

P2. A5 Trust by Participatory Policymaking

Produce a manual that provides guidelines for ministries and public sector entities on participatory policymaking. The objective of the manual is to provide national and local public entities with the tools and techniques on participatory decision making with the purpose of effectively seeking the perspective of concerned citizens (disaggregated by age and gender) on new decisions and reforms on all levels.
Assumptions Citizens participation in policymaking is a key element in the provision of public buy-in to new reforms. If implemented in a transparent manner and citizen’s opinions were taken into consideration, it could lead to more trust- based relationship between citizens and state which is one of the key tools of preventing violent extremism.
