PVE National Unit

The responsibility for the overall process lies with the PVE National Coordinator under the Prime Minister’s Office. The National Coordinator, appointed in 2017 by the Lebanese Prime Minister, is supposed to strengthen the national capacity for PVE and subsequently the resilience of the Lebanese society to violent extremism.

The Lebanese National Unit for Preventing Violent Extremism, presided by the PVE National Coordinator, is responsible for leading the government’s agenda on PVE, acting as the single point of entry for international cooperation and coordinating implementation of the NAP, in partnership with relevant ministries, civil society organizations, local stakeholder, academia, and members of the National Network for Preventing Violent Extremism.

The unit consists of four specialized offices and a team of specialized personnel as per its role in the PVE agenda and the pillars’ designated actions of this National Action Plan. These offices consist of specialized experts working to increase Lebanon’s resilience to online radicalization, plan a gender-sensitive intervention, coordinate the national PVE network, provide technical support and perform a thorough monitoring and evaluation (M&E)
